National Buy a Book Day

National Buy a Book Day

Today is National Buy a Book Day!

Here’s 3 reasons why you should read a book before bedtime…

Break From Screen Time

We all know it. But we all do it. Screen time at bedtime contributes to poor sleep. Looking at screens for up to 1.5 hours before bed reduces the natural surge of melatonin that your body produces. We need melatonin to help us drift off to sleep. But – grabbing a book to read can help us escape the day-to-day addition to our phones.

Simply looking at something that is not emitting bright lights lets your body naturally release tension and relax into sleep.

Reduced Stress

Reading gives you a break from looking at a screen, but the actual activity of doing it has been found to reduce stress up to 68%.

Novels about topics you love, wellness books, or even something where you learn about a hobby could be great ideas for books to read before bed. Reading is a mindful practise, helping you to be present in the moment.

Help You Sleep For Longer

Even if you don’t have trouble drifting off to sleep, you may stir in the night. Studies show that just 20 minutes of reading before bed is enough to help calm your brain and make sure that when you do drift off, it is with a clear mind. Meaning you will have a more peaceful and uninterrupted sleep.


There’s no better reason to head on out today and grab yourself a new book. Then snuggle down tonight and loose yourself in a good book just before bedtime.

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